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Living in the garden of Eden is the closest thing I’ve come up with what it is like to live in TKOGIEAIIIH. My picture of what that looks like is similar to a food forest. Creating a food forest is not all that hard once you free your mind from much of the chemical paradigm we’ve been bombarded by. All plants, animals, insects and birds live symbiotically with each other. Even microbes like bacteria, fungus & viruses are beneficial. The problems begin when thoughts of death begin to emerge into the landscape. By fearing something so much that you want to kill it creates a reaction which comes back to haunt you. One example which many southern farmers are aware of is the imported fire ant. Millions of dollars were spent trying to eradicate this species of ant with poisons and none of it has worked. By contrast, years ago when I was first changing my thinking from the chemical way of life to the natural way, I observed the first native ant bed of harvester ants on the farm. By allowing the native ant colony to live, I noticed that all the fire ants within 250 – 500 ft. around the area disappeared. As the native ants began to come back, they outcompeted the imported fire ants. All of nature will balance itself out if we allow it and work with it to enhance rather than try to kill, steal & destroy it.
My urgency today is to try to explain on paper what I have drawn and like the saying goes, ‘a picture is worth a thousand words’. But, here goes anyway. The land pi-tai system which utilizes the principle of the vortex works by alternating cool areas of the land with hotter areas. These two meld themselves together into a continuous flow pattern across the landscape. Central to the pi-tai system is a narrowed down ‘neck’ which separates the warmer ‘pi’ areas with the trigger point for thermals and divides the cooler ‘tai’ areas at their closest point. This trigger is a bermed mound of dirt which doubles as both shelter and food storage as well as cooling and creating energy used on the farm.

Seek first the Kingdom of God

Several years ago I was confronted with the word ‘kingdom’. I thought I knew what it meant until a certain pastor from Jamaica said, ‘You Americans are hindered in your understanding of what a kingdom is because you’ve lived your whole life in a democracy. I, on the other hand, having grown up in Jamaica under British rule, where everything is owned & controlled by the King of England…’
After that introduction to a renewed understanding of what a kingdom is, I began to see the kingdom of God everywhere, starting first with the gospels in the new testament. I found out that after the temptation of Jesus that Jesus began to preach the kingdom of God. All throughout the gospels He is explaining what the kingdom of God is about. Now I see the kingdom in a whole new light and it’s all because I put into practice the verse, ‘Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness’. Putting first things first or setting my priorities has become a theme to my life. It has helped me find my way.
So, what difference does just seeking the kingdom of God make, I can hear some of you asking. Well, for starters, it is doing what Jesus said, not just giving him lip-service [But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves.Jas 1:22] Also, for those of you who are familiar with the ‘Law of Attraction’, you already realize that whatever you focus on, think about or look for, that you will find. I was made painfully aware of setting my focus on what I wanted, not what I wanted to avoid when learning how to hangglide. We were in a bowl-shaped stadium which had been dug out maybe 35 ft. deep and the only obstacle on the whole field was a goal post. My instructor said to ‘avoid the goal post…’ As I watched those goal posts in order not to hit them, I flew right into them. The only thing that saved me was to crash land before hitting them. It’s not good enough to avoid what you do not want. You have to know what it is that you want/ what it is that you desire/ what are you aiming for? For me, that is the kingdom of God and that is what I’ve set my hopes & dreams, passions & desires and efforts & energies toward accomplishing. I will tell you about that vision in the next short article I post.
Just an after-thought: Since my last posting, I’ve had to search withing myself to find myself. Now I can begin… Again!

March 22, 2012

I’ve titled this as March 22, 2012.  I could have also titled it 322 or the day after spring equinox or even, 3 and half (3.5) years before Yahuwshua’s (Jesus) return date.  My reasoning is thus:   (1)When Jesus said, ”No man knows the day or hour but my Father only which is in heaven”, He was referring to a common phrase which was in use among the Jews which meant the Feast of Trumpets day, much the same as we in America use ‘turkey day’ to mean ‘Thanksgiving’.  I’m sure that many people in other parts of the world would not understand what ‘turkey day’ means unless they’re familiar with the American celebration of Thanksgiving, don’t you?  Everyone in Israel at that time knew that the phrase ‘No man knows the day or hour but my Father only in heaven’ meant the Feast of Trumpets.  (2) ‘the moon shall be turned to blood and the sun will become as dark as sackcloth of ashes’ That phrase which Jesus used to explain the timing of His return could mean a lunar and solar eclipse, respectively.  Those two events, the Feast of Trumpets and the lunar eclipse coincide on the date of the Feast of Trumpets in the Gregorian calendar date of 2015.  That conjunction of ‘signs’ happening together has not occurred for 2000 years to my knowledge!   In fact lunar eclipses have occurred on several recent historical events in Israel’s history.  For example, the date of the recreation of Israel as a nation and the 6 day war were both marked with a lunar eclipse.  It should be understood also that a lunar eclipse means that Israel is blessed of the Lord while a solar eclipse means the other nations are judged by the Lord.  For further information on these ‘signs’ in the heavens, reference El Shaddai ministries

What I found out over this past weekend was a coinciding of several events, 2 of which I did not know until yesterday and 1 of which I was aware of but did not connect with March 22nd until I was cross referencing & googling/researching several of these events which brought it all together.  What I’m talking about is, March 22nd is 3.5 yrs before the return of Jesus which would be the last 3.5 years of the tribulation period.  This time period is, according to scriptures, a time of which the earth has never seen before nor ever will see (so bad a time) ever again.  I also found out that March 22nd, the day after the spring equinox is the highest satanic day of the year.  This March 22nd also happens to be 188 days from the last great earthquake which has become a pattern over the last several years for ever stronger earthquakes (every 188 days or 188.5 days to be exact).  The ‘322’ surfaced from a little more research which has linked that number to the secret code for the skull & bones society of yale.  That ‘322’ could be March 22nd, could it not?  Today, on dutch sinse I found out that Mexico had planned an earthquake simulation drill event to be held on March 20th for a 7.9 Magnitude earthquake back on March 2nd of this year.  Guess what happened yesterday(March 20th)? …you got that right – a 7.9 M earthquake in Oaxaca, Mexico!!?!! WTH is going on, you ask?  I don’t know for sure but HAARP has been implicated before as capable of creating earthquakes and if you read up on Tesla’s inventions, who was the one who gave us the technology that HAARP is using, Tesla also said that earthquakes could be caused by this same technology.  Tesla, of course, wanted to use this technology for beneficial use to create rain and end droughts, prevent flooding, etc., however, someone with evil intentions could use it as a weapon against their neighbors.  BTW, guess who is using that HAARP facility now.

Have I left out anything here?  Probably so, but I wanted to send this out before it was too late for anyone paying attention to my blogs.  So, there it is.  Be prepared and  BE SAFE.  Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.  In all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your path.  blessings & peace, Thomas


I was awakened this morning about 2 AM and went out to walk around the farm.  Not unusual for me to do so, but what was unusual is this morning, after walking around and enjoying the ‘NEW EARTH‘ of the farm, I began to think of what type of world God had intended to make.  Now, I know from the Revelations, that a new earth and a new heaven will come down  but for now, what is this ‘earth’ supposed to look like/what is it supposed to BE?  As that question rolled over and over in my mind, I began to ‘see?’/’understand?’/’envision?’ something.  It was almost surreal, except that, this time, I was alive and had not ‘died’.  For those of you who do not know me or have never heard about the day that I ‘died’, here is what happened. 

On Sept 15th of 2006, we were traveling to Victoria to go to a funeral.  A freak thunderstorm unleashing torrents of water caused the truck I was driving to hydroplane while passing a semi-truck.  The steering wheel was useless and, miraculously, the truck did not swerve underneath the semi, but when it hit the shoulder sideways and the tires sunk into the soft mud, the truck began to roll.  I watched the first roll and half from inside  the truck but the last 4 rolls I observed from outside the truck.  The beauty of the sights and sounds transporting me through the heavens was captivating and my attention was drawn toward it and I forgot about the truck and everything else here on the earth. The heavenly singing reverberated and  permeated everything.  It was and is the most beautiful sound I’ve ever heard & experienced!  As I’m taking all this in, I ‘know’ everything all at once!  It’s shocking and calming at the same instant.  I know all of my past and all of my present and even, (get this!?) all my ‘future’.  Wow’!! That amazes me and astounds me today and ‘ I ‘ was the one who experienced it.  Yes, I know it is weird, but it happened.  Now for the really weird part:  I began to think of things I had learned and known among which were Nikola Tesla, Viktor Schauberger and Rudolf Steiner and I ‘knew?’/’understood?’/’envisioned?’ everything they knew!  All I had to do was to focus in on them and I could ‘know’ everything they ‘knew’.  There was/is no knowledge/understanding that was not common there and there was/is no time as all is/was in the present.  Quite a lot to grasp especially for those who have not thought along these lines before, but it is really not so strange a concept when one begins to decouple from the ‘teaching/training/schooling/education/programming/brainwashing’ system(TTSEPB system) which we’ve all been subjected to by public education, public television, mainstream media and the total indoctrination system for the control of our mind(s).  Not to get sidetracked, I’ll finish and explain how I got back to my body.  While I’m enthralled with and searching throughout the data base of knowledge of these wonderfully brilliant men, a foreign thought presents itself: ‘I love my wife’.  I ‘listen’ to it but then turn my attention back to what I’m learning from these brilliant men and then, another foreign thought, ‘I enjoy being with my wife’ and WHAM!!!  I’M BACK IN MY BODY!… and Ouch!  It hurts.  Long story short, I’ll never forget the expression on the doctor’s face when he walks into the hospital room after looking at the MRI and says, ‘Well, uh, you had a brain hemorrhage, and uh, but it stopped and uh, well,  I guess you’re, uh, free to go, uh, don’t get in any more accidents, uh, (his voice trailed off here but he looked white as a sheet)  BTW, I had the mosstt beuyoootiful black, green, red, orange and blue eye you’ve ever seen or desired!  LOL!

The revelatory knowledge, sometimes called epiphany or revelation, is what I believe the rhema (or spoken word of God) to be.  I believe the rhema, as opposed to logos, is what and how people used to communicate with until God divided(confused) the language during the time of the tower of Babel.  The language of God with which we used to communicate with was far superior to what we use today.  That ‘language’ is what I heard & experienced & felt & saw & understood & envisioned all at the same time.  It is hard to define and put into words but it IS.  Once you’ve experienced it, you’ll never forget it.  I don’t know about anyone else but, I’ve experienced epiphanies which were glimpses into the mind of God using His language. (please don’t stone me just yet cause I’m trying to relay this other-worldly experience as accurately as my limited language permits)  This experience of death or what is called a near death experience (NDE) is/was? a life-changing event.  The language used there is the language of God which is, I believe, the language man used prior to the tower of Babel.  Epiphanies, revelations are insights into the mind of God and, at least for me, they appear as a movie inside of me and outside of me and around me (- very hard to explain, perhaps I’ll  attempt to explain this later -)  The same language I hear spoken in this world from the rhema is greatly enhanced when in the spirit world!   (I hope I haven’t confused this too much ;0)

Well, after walking around the farm, I sat down to read some more from ”Thy Kingdom Comes” by brother Gregory. 

Quoting from Brother Gregory: (below)

In the City-State, security was established by controls, force, and regulation of men, by men. These edicts hewed away at the freewill of men, giving power to other men instead. Men who sought power and control carved this new system into their own image. The exercising authority corrupted men and with that power came the danger of tyranny.

Protection draws to it subjection; subjection protection”3

These leaders were granted the power to enforce the security of the State. Stripped of the presence and plan of God, these men revealed their naked assent to the position of gods, or ruling judges, of the city or civil powers. The dominion granted by God to the individual was now incorporated into the City or Civil State. The ruling elite were perpetually tempted by that power granted to them by the demagoguery of the people.

From their high positions over other men and their lofty offices, these principalities exercised authority that became totalitarian. The temptation to become a beast, devouring the people and their substance, was too great, except for men like Moses and Abraham. There was none more divinely suited as ruler of a free state than Jesus, Who came as a servant.

Behold, this was the iniquity of thy sister Sodom, pride, fulness of bread, and abundance of idleness was in her and in her daughters, neither did she strengthen the hand of the poor and needy.” Ez 16:49

Leaders are corrupted by their weakness for power and the weakness of slothful people. Equally important in the devolution of mankind is the cultivated apathy of the general populations. People no longer had to choose corporeal sacrifice in charity. No longer was faith in the Creator and love of neighbor the essential principles of social security.

It was the will of the organized State that men conformed to the will of the state and not the will of the Father in Heaven. The State promised to provide security from famine, catastrophe, and other “acts of God” or the tyranny and attacks of other civil gods of power.

A new kind of faith was directed toward the State and its gods. This faith was called allegiance. To insure the loyalty and fidelity of men, oaths were required. These ruling Benefactors also required tribute from all to insure the benefits of this controlled society. Ultimately, one class of citizens were deprived to pay for the appetites of the other. Coveting your neighbors goods became a policy of the State with a granted license by the voice of the people. Love of the State was more undeniable than love of neighbor. Private wealth became an enemy of the state and we soon saw Plato’s simple economic policy, whereby no gold or silver shall be owned by any citizen, become true, even before he taught it.

Gold in the hands of the public is an enemy of the state. Adolph Hitler

Children were taught by the State or abandoned to the care of strangers. The sanctity of marriage diminished and the natural use of the flesh became dissolute. Fear of the State was more real than fear of God, for despite the praises in their temples and churches their real homage, prayers (applications) and worship was to the State.

Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools… Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature [institutions] … For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:” Romans 1:22-26

Under the perfect law of liberty and at the altars of Abraham and Moses, each individual or family exercised faith, hope, and charity. While at the altars and temples of the City-State, obedience and compliance were the ruling creatures. The spirit that moved those altars of force was that of covetousness, control, and cupidity.

Men may choose to apply, or pray, at a government altar of authority and force or the altar of God’s granted liberty. God created a law that forbids coveting or stealing from your neighbor. Man created institutions based on taking from your neighbor.

Because the creature [institutions]4 itself also shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God.” Romans 8:21

Mankind is changed by his choice. He chooses the institutions made by men to rule over men or he chooses to seek the kingdom of God and its righteousness.

And from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffereth violence, and the violent take it by force.” Matthew 11:12

The above quoted text from, ‘Thy Kingdom Comes’ is what caused me to begin to see the new earth and to understand what God had intended this earth and world to be.  Have you ever thought about what Neo experienced in the movie, ‘The Matrix’?  When Morpheus said, ‘I’m trying to free your mind (Neo)’.  Can you relate that to the salvation of your soul?  How about, ‘pay no attention to the man behind the curtain’ or ‘be in the world but not of this world’?  Metaphors like these have hidden meanings which come to light when you are free or free your mind or experience the mind of God/have a revelatory experience!!!

Next up:  the ‘Washing Machine Experience’ subtitled, ‘Getting Flushed Down the Drain’ or What happened to Neo when he took the red pill?



composting made easy

Many people ask me about how to compost/where can they buy compost/what’s the best potting soil mix, etc.

In a nutshell, here’s how to compost:  and if I may borrow a term from a very popular movie titled ‘Forrest Gump’:   ”S**t Happens”  We all know what that means and in the compost world it is the same:  ”Compost Happens”    There are so many ways to create compost with so many gadgets and machines and tools, but the easiest and best way is to just throw it out on the ground and let it rot!  That’s right, you cannot stop the decomposition process anymore than you are able to stop life.  L-I-F-E will find a way and compost will happen.

Now, there are a few tricks up my sleeve to enhance that process but that will be posted tomorrow.  In the meantime, anyone who reads this and would like to comment or ask a specific question would be greatly appreciated and I will answer your question/reply back to your comment tomorrow.

Thanks again to my Father who has breathed His life into me and now shown me the way to the truth of ‘born-again’!  That last thought will be subject of a later post.  till then, blessings & peace,  Brother Thomas

chicken worm/turkey worm are not what you may think

the chicken tractor evolved/morphed into a one-of-a-kind self-contained, self-propelled with options, created for chickens, cattle, donkeys, dogs, cats, even horses, that fertilizes, sanitizes & even waters the pasture or an expansive back yard while giving the farmer & consumer the best food & drink in the earth and even a warm house to live in! Available with renewable energy, alcohol or gas or electric-powered or combination along with solar and wind-powered. This mobile barn*home is ready for immediate occupancy for the right one, couple or small family. What are you willing to invest? What are the three (3) things you are willing to give? (1) _?__ (2) __?__ (3) __?__